At night when I'm looking out into the vacuum of a massive universe where the galaxies with their stars seem endless to me, which sparks my imagination every time. I wonder about many things but in particular the existence of our planet and the dinosaurs. Were the dinosaurs some kind of a bio-energy source to open doorways. Are there billions of bio-planets out there? Is it possible today that a greater bio-energy source is available with the creation of "fear" using the duality of the emergence of the
"I AM" and animals?
The "I AM" with its relationship to the body has created the animal fear of always trying to survive death, which might even be a more powerful bio-energy source? Maybe there is a kind of unknown science that allows a wormhole, a door to a place in-between time where one can step into it, and millions of years go by like minutes?
One thing is for sure energy seems to be the key and common factor in everything we see and know and don't know. If there is a beginning to our universe, then there had to be a first for life and awareness. They would not have known that they were the first in the universe while looking out at the stars. But like a twig, it would grow into more.
The last human to live in the universe could use a hundred percent of their brain. This would create a big bang with pure consciousness.
Maybe everyone, in the end, gets the heaven they want. Maybe heaven is what we desire the most because of the emergence of the body, and I AM?
Desire is the keyword here. Maybe desire itself is the type of energy that shapes energy leading to our afterlife and dreams of a forever existence?
Maybe religion warns us to be careful of what we desire in our hearts here and now. Maybe the rich and powerful and the thirst for beautiful reflections of
self-ego be reincarnated back into this animal world where we have always had kings and queens who desire and lust for power,
Then others who desire the love of family in the afterlife and others peace can also achieve that reality through the same power of desire also. So, the label, the vibration of thought we use when we call upon heaven is a place, we created when we desire to find love and peace desired at the death of the body.
There are those who desire power, wealth, and lust for wars that also achieve their idea-imagination of heaven as well. Allowing themselves to be buried deep into Metrix's continuous rage, the pain where death is real and constantly hammered into a deep false reality that they created.
There are those who reach out to religion for the answers and love the idea of being given all the answers in a peaceful place they also call heaven. And that is okay also because we all desire peace and love with a sense of a resting place internally.
Personally, I don't want to know the answers. I'd rather the afterlife be like constant exploring and asking questions, which leads me to more adventures and more questions eternally.
One thing for sure is that sheep who graze in the field do not know they're sheep, all they know by nature is to follow the herd and survive.
All I know is every time I look up at the stars, I begin to ask myself questions, and never accept them as just lights in the sky.
Is "Desire" pure energy, which can never be created nor destroyed?
In our world of THREES and DUALITIES, We are what we desire, which could be a good thing and other times bad. I assume when we do cross the bridge of life. That is from the Me, (Animal-self) to the MYSELF, (The-Bridge), and the complete I (AM),
(The After Existence of Me) when the body dies.
We are always what we desire, and we can change at any moment if we want to be reshaping and redirecting that which we desire.
In life, you control or recognize your animal desires, or it controls you. You can shape or change your desires just by questioning them and letting go of the guilt and pain of the past.